Voici un vidéo trouvé sur YouTube, où on voit de nombreux membres du personnel hospitalier et des patients danser avec des gants roses.
Il a été fait par l'hôpital Providence St-Vincent en Orégon, aux USA, afin de promouvoir la cause du cancer du sein
(voir message en anglais ci-dessous).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEdVfyt-mLw Baudoin
hopefully you will watch it so one million hits becomes a reality for a contribution from the medical company, Medline....
Our daughter-in-law, Emily Somers, created, directed and choreographed this in Portland last week for her Medline glove division as a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. This was all her idea to help promote their new pink gloves. I don't know how she got so many employees, doctors and patients to participate, but it started to really catch on and they all had a lot of fun doing it.
When the video gets 1 million hits, Medline will be making a huge contribution to the hospital, as well as offering free mammograms for the community. Please check it out. It's an easy and great way to donate to a wonderful cause, and who hasn't been touched by breast cancer?